Saturday, January 1, 2011

Keep It Simple, and Happy New Year

Blogging Success

OK- So I have been reading about art, marketing, art marketing, blogging, etc. 
what "they" say out there is I should be:
  1. writing at least 1000 words per day,
  2. spending at least 10 hours writing each blog post,
  3. reading at least 10 hours (of blogs) per week,
  4. commenting on other blogs daily,
  5. studying copywriting,
  6. studying marketing,
  7. learning html code- at least some basics,
  8. linking into social networking (they don't agree on the effectiveness of the various networks, but Facebook is a must),
  9. developing a product if I have a service and vice versa, and
  10. asking my readers to subscribe to 'my stuff,' which, right now is this blog.
OK- I don't have time for all I'll never be the 'cream of the crap' of bloggers,
but you, my friend, could become a bloggin' superstar!
- just begin by doing all of the above and to help you out I will be bringing you bunches of (mostly free) resources to enhance your artistic, blogging, marketing, selling success.

As for #10, above, I invite you to accept one of your first New Year's gifts:

What You Will Get: Free Offers to Improve Your Online Life- Yep- That's what's ahead.
What You Won't Get: Spam; Nada, Zero, Zilch- I hate that S*#$! Yer info is NEVER given out, EVER!

So don't miss out on Free Cool Stuff to come, just sign up:
Sign up for new Beyond The Artist's Way Blog posts by doing (at least) one of the following three things:
  1. Sign-up as a Follower (click here)
  2. Subscribe to RSS Feed (click here)
  3. Subscribe by Email;
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If you already receive updates you will never miss this Free Cool Stuff.

Happy New Year!
~~julie susanne

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