I'd Rather be in the Studio! The Artist's No-Excuse Guide to Self-Promotion, Alyson B. Stanfield, © 2008.
Alyson Stanfield uses a no-nonsense, no-excuse, no-whining approach to showing the artist the business side of their career. She does not define success for the artist, but instead empowers the reader to define it for themself. Then she details the mutiple facets of marketing and backs it up with data, case studies, and comments from other experts. Stanfield shows the artist an organized road map that is flexible and inviting. Offering actionable ideas and loads and loads of resources, "I'd rather be in the studio!" is one of the best tools an artist can grab onto and begin using immediately to take control of their career. I highly recommend it for the new artist and seasoned artist alike.
For more information or to order this great book click this link:
It is that powerful!
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Addendum: The above book review was conducted independently and without solicitation or compensation by the book's author.