Monday, November 30, 2009

Featured Artist: Kolja Tatic (part one)

Kolja Tatic is bound to be a very well-known household name throughout the world. Talent and vision like Tatic’s can not go unnoticed.  Breathtaking, contemporary and surrealistic are what come to mind when looking at his art.  His pieces are in various media: photography, wood sculpture, oil on canvas, and digital art.  He first began by taking photographs in 1979 and has had over 150 group and solo exhibits showing this work.  In 1986 he began painting in oils and in 1997 he added digital art to his creative process.  His sculptures were created just at the edge of this new millennium.  His artwork can be found in private collections throughout the United States.

"Abandoned Red..."
Kolja Tatic
Oil on Canvas

Born in Jagodina, Serbia, in 1962, Kolja Tatic was drawn to the arts at an early age. When asked about childhood influences, Tatic replied, "My father was my first teacher, and when I was about 12, I saw for the first time paintings from Giorgio de Chirico and Dali." He went on to say, "...when I first saw "Love Song" and "The Mystery and Melancholy of a Street" from de Chirico and "Premonition of Civil War" from Dali, I saw 'mysterious, enigmatic worlds...'" He said he considers secrecy, mystery, and premonition to be among the most important factors in quality artwork and wishes to create "enigmatic, mysterious, silent places" through his artwork. In this, I believe, he has certainly succeeded.

Kolja Tatic
Oil on Canvas

Part two of this featured artist will be posted tomorrow.  Come back to see more examples of this beautiful artwork.  To contact the artist, email Kolja Tatic at this address: kolja.t(at)

Please post reactions to Tatic's work by clicking 'comments' below.


  1. ako je neko velicina nikad ne umire u drskosti

  2. ko ovo gleda sigurno je umro , a i ne zna da je umro ,prvo duhovno a onda i fizicki , [mislim da se neki slikari prevrcu u grobu] kad vide na sto je sve izaslo u BEZZIVOTNOST,a neki se nebi ni kad bi mogli, vratili na zemlju drzeci za sigurno da vise i nema publike koja bi pogledom uzivala u njihovoj umetnosti ciji tragovi se i danas vide , a unemoci pracenja istih skrece se u NOVU MRTVU UMETNOST ,sta reci a ne slagati [SALA U KOJOJ IMA I ISTINE <MISLIM DA SU SLIKE IZVAREDNE}ali moj nemirni duh voli da izvrce stvari u komediju , te stoga ponizno molim OPROST

  3. "ako je neko velicina nikad ne umire u drskosti"

    According to internet translator this is:
    "ако је неко величина никад не умире у дрскост" which is "If a size never dies in audacity"
    also "If someone never dies in brazen"

    Unfortunately, I do not know Serbian- anyone out there who can translate this better?

    My comment: Brazenness (or boldness) is immortal

  4. Anonymous-
    Thank-you for commenting:

    "ko ovo gleda sigurno je umro..."

    Internet translator:
    "Who is watching this certainly died, and I did not know that he died, first spiritually and then physically, [I think that some artists turning in his grave] when they see what it all came out of faintness, and some would not even if they could , returned to earth for safe keeping and that there would be no audience who enjoyed the view of their art, whose traces can still be seen, and weakness in the monitoring of the same moves in NEW STILL LIFE (MRTVU) ART, say a century to disagree (HALL WHERE THE TRUTH IS <I think they are excellent PICTURES} but my restless spirit likes to twist things in comedy, and therefore humbly pray for forgiveness(OPROST)"

    A Better translation would be appreciated. This is likely filled with more meaning than I am able to communicate.

    ~~julie susanne

  5. ANONIMUS :vidim da se mucite sa smislom pa da rastumacimo ;ako je neko velicina nikad ne umire u DRSKOSTI{znaci da u tom momentu,miri se sa svima napusta ovaj svijet,presaje biti drzak prema bliznjima, na kraju i prema sebi ,u trenutku smrti,za njega sve je nevazno sem puta u novu dimenziju[procitati majkl newton putovanje duse],duh koji se nije razvio ne moze da ima tu osobinu [mlada dusa ]te se desi da umre u pakosti ,cak i srecan sto je zadrzao svoj stav,ONI KOJI SU RADILI NA SEBI nemaju DRSKOST nego neku drugu osobinu PONIZNOSTI-VISEG RASUDJIVANJA i kao normalno stanje projeciraju je u oklinu u kojoj zivmo i radimo ,naravno trazeci u sebi NOVE ENERGIJE I DAROVE da ih podjelimo sa drugima ,darove smo dobili darove i dajemo ,vazi za SVE pa iUMJETNOST, ,.............pozdrav,A.

  6. molim da se ovo procita;
    danas sam cuo pricu da su zivela dva umetnika zajedno kao cimeri ,radeci i ziveci od tezge.pojavijo se neki konkurs i ovaj prvi je poceo jedan rad a drugi je samo gledao ,[ziveci u oskudici verovatno je bio i gladan] blizilo se vreme spavanja i prvi ode da spava a ovaj drugi kaze da mu se ne spava te nocu ;ukrade;ideju prvog naslika sliku i naredni dan predade rad,te dobi nagradu .Ovaj prvi je to ukapirao i nije mu nista kazao znajuci u sirini svoga duha na sta oskudica moze da natera coveka ,.kasnije se ovaj drugi nesebicno trudio da mu pomaze u radu i oko raznih priprema zeleci da se na taj nacin oduzi za svoj "cin slabosti" ....eto prica iz zivota slikara ,kao u bajci.. prica poznatog i priznatog slikara i karikaturiste sa bogatim zivotnim iskustvom pa cu da sakrijem ime da bi prica zivela vecno...


    I appreciate your thoughts.

    Yes, at the moment of death, peace can be had with the understanding that things that we believed to be important in this life are irrelevant in the next dimension.

    What a wonderful life we could have if only we could understand and believe this BEFORE the moment of death! I strive for this realization.

    Thank-you for your recommendation of Michael Newton’s Journey of the Soul.

    ~~julie susanne

  8. Anonymous-

    You shared a story of a roommate stealing another ones artwork and entering it into a competition and the artwork winning.

    I am not clear if the roommate said the artwork was their own or if they attributed the artwork to the artist who created it. Did the thief act selfishly or selflessly (in his own opinion of his actions)?

    This reminds of a side topic: "Is there such a thing as original artwork?" Some say, "No," because we are always taking something from our surroundings which includes the creations of others. Some say, "Yes," because presenting our experience in art in our own unique way is original.

    Thanks for the comment!

    ~~julie susanne

  9. Pat Metheny - The Sound Of Silence!


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